We create memorable, award-winning interactive events from concept to delivery, all under one roof.

Set design & fabrication / Costume creation / Casting & script writing / Film & Photography / Event ticketing / Project & event management.

We are a one-stop shop for making brilliant things happen.

Project and Event Management

Our ultimate mission is to make our clients’ events the talk of the town, and we know this is only possible if the project is on time, on budget, and produced to the highest quality and safety standards. 

Our experienced events team offers excellent customer service and consults and inform our clients throughout the entire production process. We take an open and collaborative approach, and our clients enjoy being part of a personalised experience.

Onsite our install teams and event managers deliver our work with care, professionalism, and with attention to detail and safety as a priority. 

Set Design and Fabrication

We create high-impact, hard-wearing sets, props, and puppets and transform everyday environments into surprising theatrical spaces. 

Our Bristol-based workshop is a vibrant hub of skilled artists and makers. Digital designers, carpenters, scenic painters, welders and poly-carvers work alongside each other to create sets, sculptures, props and installations for the events we produce. 

As well as creating new builds and bespoke items, we also have a large stock of existing set and props that can be hired and repurposed. We believe in trying to minimise waste within the events industry and have structured our company to support this vision. 

Costume and Characters

We specialise in the creation and delivery of highly imaginative interactive theatre and engagement – less ‘shut up and listen’ more ‘get up and be part of the story’. 

As well as creating our own work, we take brand messaging and clients’ objectives and weave these into scripts and costumes that are made in-house and ensure a rich and memorable experience for the audience no matter what the scale of the event.   

We have a UK wide database of over 500 highly skilled equity card holding actors, musicians and dancers, and our dedicated performance management team support our events to ensure reliability and an amazing show every time. 

Let us bake up some magic for you!

Got an idea you want us to bring to life? Would you like us to respond to a specific brief or set of campaign objectives? Are you interested in some of our existing performers or packages?

Call us on 0117 403 7146